Using Paid Ads for Home Remodeling Lead Generation

using paid ads for hoe remodeling lead generation

Paid ads are an effective way to promote a home remodeling business. Using this method of advertising has many great benefits for home remodeling professionals. These include:

  1. Paid ads are a fast way to put your business in front of the target audience.
  2. Paid ads work effectively and attract the right audience to a home remodeling business.  
  3. When paid ads are used, advertisers pay for real results only. 
  4. Advertisers can change, suspend or stop paid ads anytime they want.
  5. But most importantly, paid ads work well for a home remodeling business and provide high return on investment.  

Actually, this list of benefits could go on and on. As you can see, paid ads can become an effective lead generation tool for a home remodeling business. Generally speaking, paid ads can be either a good alternative or a good addition to search engine optimization.  

One way or another, paid ads work and help home remodeling professionals increase their online visibility. That’s why paid ads have to be a key part of your marketing strategy. 

There are different types of paid ads that home remodeling professionals can use for advertising their services. With paid ads, it’s possible to promote a home remodeling business on different platforms such as:

  • Google
  • Microsoft Ad Network
  • YouTube 
  • Facebook
  • Instagram

If done right, paid ads will help you take your home remodeling business to the next level. Today, we’ll give you insights into using paid ads for home remodeling lead generation. 

So, let’s get started. 

PPC Search Ads

PPC search ads are a quick way to attract targeted traffic to a home remodeling company’s website. Such ads are displayed in search results and on sites which are relevant to home remodeling industry.   

Google AdWords

With Google AdWords, home remodeling professionals can successfully promote their businesses in Google search. Plus, ads may appear on relevant websites and apps. Google AdWords make it possible for home remodeling businesses to get quality traffic quickly.  

Microsoft Ad Network 

Microsoft Ad Network consists of several search engines such as Bing, AOL and Yahoo. Paid ads are shown in these search engines. So, clients see them on the search results page. 

There are several factors that affect the appearance of paid ads on the search results page. When determining ad position, the network analyzes bid amount, competition, relevance of ads as well as performance of ads.       

Display Ads

Display ads are also known as visual ads. The key elements of display ads are: text, image and landing page’s URL. 

There are different types of display ads. These include:

  • Banners
  • Images with text
  • Animations

Display ads work well for home remodeling professionals. Such ads get a lot of attention to a home remodeling business.   

Google Display Ads

Google display ads are the type of Google Ads. Google display ads are shown on relevant websites that belong to the Google Display Network. It’s worth noting that the network is very selective and picks only good sites for showing display ads. That means you’ll get high quality traffic if you choose to promote a home remodeling business with Google Display Ads.  

Microsoft Ad Network

The same can be said about Microsoft Ad Network. If you choose to use this paid ads solution, your ads will be displayed on home remodeling sites that belong to Microsoft Ad Network. As a result, your online presence will increase and you’ll get the additional website traffic, customers as well as leads for your home remodeling business.    

YouTube Ads

YouTube is the ideal advertising platform for home remodeling professionals. It’s possible to use paid ads to promote a home remodeling business on YouTube. People, who are interested in hiring home remodeling professionals, often watch YouTube videos related to home improvement. Such videos help homeowners come up with home remodeling ideas. That’s why it makes a lot of sense to show paid ads on such YouTube videos.       

Social Media Ads

Social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram bring together a lot of people from all over the world. Such popular social media sites can generate high amounts of traffic to your home remodeling business and have a huge marketing potential. Social media ads make it possible for home remodeling companies to promote their services and grow their businesses successfully. 


Facebook offers paid social media ads. It’s a great idea to use paid ads to promote a home remodeling company’s site on Facebook. When creating social media advertising campaign, advertisers can select such parameters as age, sex, locations, time when ads have to be shown and many others. Paid ads will work well for your home remodeling business if you identify the target audience for your advertising campaign correctly.     


Instagram also offers paid ads to different types of businesses. A lot of people prefer to see images and watch videos on Instagram. And of course, paid ads on Instagram are suitable for home remodeling professionals. 

It makes a lot of sense to use paid social media ads to promote an Instagram account. Show the images of your best home remodeling projects on the social media platform. This will help you turn more social media users into prospects and customers.       

Final Thoughts

No one ever said that running paid ads campaign for a home remodeling business was easy. Running ads is the work that requires certain knowledge, skills as well as experience. It’s necessary to do keyword research, set bids for paid ads, control spendings and analyze the efficiency of ad campaigns. And of course, this process is time-consuming. So, it would be better for home remodeling professionals to leave this important task to Pay-per-Click advertising professionals.

Contact us today to get a FREE service quote! Our marketing professionals are always happy to help you run paid ads for your home remodeling business and get the most out of your advertising efforts!

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Carl Willis CEO/Lead Strategist
Carl Willis, a trailblazer in the digital marketing landscape, embarked on his first online business journey in 1996, confronting the challenges of navigating an ever-evolving terrain. Through years of experimentation, consulting with top professionals, and engaging digital marketing agencies, he emerged with a transformative strategy.

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